Lazar Radinović Apps

City Beep 1.3.0
In today's time, when we are surrounded by many opportunities,andat the same time preoccupied with everyday obligations, itisdifficult to follow everything that interests us and be atthecenter of the best social happenings in the city. In order tosolvethis problem, we have designed a way to create aninformationapplication that will allow you to view the events thatinterestyou. Whether it's traveling, a theater performance, aconference, amovie premiere, or opening a new restaurant in thecity, you'llhave an overview of all of these events in one place -your phone.City Beep gives you the opportunity to view events, tosave thoseyou are interested in, and for those where you want toattend tobook a place. What City Beep offers to you: 1. Searcheventschronologically, by dates and categories that interest you.2. Savethose events that interest you and share it with yourfriends. 3.Reserve an event in just a few clicks. 4. City Beep willnotify youabout events that are relevant to you, your interests Foranyquestions, suggestions, criticisms, please contact us at theemailaddress: hello@citybeep, and for all business offersemail:[email protected], or on our Facebook or Instagram site oftheCity Beep.
Split Second 1.6.0
In Split Second the player automatically moves forward and whenitis close to a monster or an obstacle, you will have only onesecondto select the correct action. Note that order of actionschanges.For each monster or obstacle you pass, you get one point.Can youscore the highest? Furthermore for the game to be more fun,thereare achievements for players to collect. Can you collect themall?